I Double-Dog Dare You!

So, when was the last time you skipped? Not skipped a day of work or skipped school or an appointment. When was the last time you physically propelled your body forward in a knee-raising-mini-hop-scoot combination?
I remember that as a kid, I skipped when I was happy. I skipped just because. There was a lightness and a carefree attitude that came with skipping. It was a bit strenuous, while at the same time, it was relaxing. In fact, I think it's impossible to skip with a frown on your face. It's as if the uplifted knee action forces the corners of your mouth upwards in a smile that often erupts with laughter. 

Yes, with the skip comes the smile. It's just a thing! 

And so, here I sit pondering my skip. If it made me feel so footloose and fancy-free when I was younger, why did I stop -- when did I stop? Did someone steal my skip or did I trade it for something more sophisticated or acceptable for someone my age?  Does skipping even have an age limit or a gender requirement – have I neglected my skip?  Do I still even have a skip? 

And, herein lies the problem. 

How often do we talk ourselves out of connecting or reconnecting with simple things? How often do we overthink even the smallest steps. How often do we prevent our own selves from moving forward?  

Skipping has a pace and a rhythm all its own. Just like with life, it’s a series of well-timed steps instead of gargantuan leaps. As with the skip, you must be "all in." There's no half-stepping the skip. It’s pretty straight forward.      

So, it’s a new month. Do something different – try something new. I dare you. In fact, I double-dog dare you to find your skip, brush it off and use it. Ready to laugh or will your age or your idea of who skips and who doesn’t stop you from doing something that may be invigorating and liberating ... the shoe is on your foot. 

Try it. You may like it. After all, couldn’t we all use some lighthearted moments?



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