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Yet and Still ...

This is it.   This is the culprit that moved me to tears.   This is the card that I would have given to my Dad if he was still here.   I miss my Dad.   GOD welcomed him home 17 years ago.   And yes, I’m grateful to know that he’s having the best time of his life hanging out with JESUS; chatting with the apostles; laughing with King David, Martin Luther King, Jr., Billy Graham, family members, friends; and with folks you know and love. Yet and still … I miss my Dad.   The day before he died, my son, Dad and I celebrated our joint birthdays at a cookout with nearly 100 family members and friends.   My Mom had purchased a massive cake and instead of the usual cone-shaped birthday hats she usually bought, this time was different.   She gave us crowns.   My son and I wore green crowns.   She gave my Dad a gold crown.   He looked happy and healthy. I was at work when he died less than 24 hours after our birthday celebration.   He had taken my then 4-year-old daughter and 6-year

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